It Looks like Ciri Was Talking About Cyberpunk 2077 in Witcher 3
Cernescu Andrei / 7 years ago
Fan-made Cyberpunk 2077 trailer with Geralt and Ciri.
Those of you who played The Witcher 3 will surely remember the iconic scene with Ciri and Geralt as they reunited after a long time. In that scene, Ciri tells Geralt about her travels to other worlds, and she insists on a specific one where the Wild Hunt couldn’t get to her. At first, I thought that she was describing modern-day Earth, and I was close. However, it looks like she was actually talking about Cyberpunk 2077. It all makes sense, of course, including the people with “metal in their heads,” and the “flying ships.” Geralt didn’t believe a word, possibly because he’s a bit too set in his own ways. Oddly enough, he does get to travel to other worlds himself later on, but he doesn’t get to visit anything close to modern.
The trailer.
By now, we’ve all seen the E3 trailer for Cyberpunk 2077. It’s a good trailer, no doubt about it, and the game itself looks promising too. Still, a fan decided that Ciri would make for a better narrator, and so he swapped the original audio with the aforementioned Witcher 3 conversation. If you ask me, this is exactly how the trailer should have been in the first place. Moreover, it’s now extremely likely that Ciri will make an appearance in Cyberpunk 2077, and I’m definitely looking forward to seeing that.
You can have a look at the modified trailer below.