Japan to Test 330-Tonne Ocean Turbine Offering Potentially Limitless Energy!
Mike Sanders / 2 years ago
It seems pretty clear that if the human race is going to have any chance of surviving the next few hundred years, we’re simply going to have to find a way of producing energy in a more efficient and renewable manner. Our reliance on fossil fuels is, after all, one of the key reasons why energy and gas station prices have started skyrocketing over the last few months.
The problem is that, to date, most of the renewable energy ideas we’ve had are, largely speaking, not very good. – Following a report via ScienceAlert, however, Japanese tech firm IHI Corporation is set to begin testing on a new system that could potentially unlock a huge and limitless source of renewable and pretty environmentally sound energy!
Japan to Test Huge Water Current Turbine
Following the completion of an initial 3.5-year trial, IHI Corporation is set to take things to a notably more significant scale with the launch of a new 330-tonne ocean turbine. – The concept of the design is, on the whole, quite straightforward. Utilising the natural currents generated in the sea, and particularly so off the Japanese east coast which is regularly battered by the Pacific, the mere movement of the water (against anchored drag point) allows it to power the turbines which, at least in all good theory, should produce free and entirely renewable energy. And a pretty substantial amount of it too apparently!
It’s understood that Japan has been especially interested in this technology given that it would prefer to not install wind farms over its beautiful mountain regions while, at the same time, clearly taking advantage of the one resource it has plenty of as an island nation. Namely, water!
What Do We Think?
It has been estimated that under ideal conditions, turbines like this could generate up to 205 gigawatts of electricity. An amount which would be enough to cover, by nearly a factor of three, the UK’s peak demand each day (and nearly double in Japan).
Put simply, if this technology is proven viable ( in terms of energy capability, reliability, and overall production cost) this could represent an absolutely huge answer to many countries’ energy problems. – Well, those, at least which border significantly bodies of water! – Put simply, if I worked for the UK Government, I’d be keeping an eye very firmly on how this technology develops!
What do you think though? – Let us know in the comments!