John McAfee Settles with Intel Over Legal Battle
John McAfee seems to like making his life as difficult as possible it seems. If he isn’t suffering from heart attacks, he’s being accused of murdering someone. Well, fortunately for him, he’s got one less thing to worry about as he has settled a case with Intel over a recent legal dispute.
What has John McAfee done this time?
Well, nothing actually, well not really. For those not aware, Intel bought John McAfee’s company in 2010. Since the purchase, Mr McAfee since opened a new company called MGT Capital Investments, however, did recently indicate that he was considering changing this to “John McAfee Global Technologies”.
Intel considered that the purchase of “McAfee Associates” from Mr McAfee in 2010 gave them some leeway over ‘McAfee’ as a brand name.
When hearing of John McAfee’s intention to do this, Intel lodged legal action against him reports the BBC.

So what is the settlement deal?
Control of your name has always been quite important. Particularly when you consider some of the big stars from the early Hollywood days who totally lost control of their creation because they didn’t own the IP to their own name.
It’s mainly for this reason that entertainers started using their own name in show business rather than a stage name.
The deal which has been reached, if you can call it such, is that Mr McAfee can continue to use his name for advertising, promotions and presentations. This does, however, mean that he can’t necessarily start a company using his own name anymore.
So his ‘Hack-proof’ phone. He can advertise it as a John McAfee product, he just can’t sell it under the McAfee name.
Seems fair to me, but I’m sure he will have another opinion on this.
We await with interest his next scandal!