New Jumanji Movie Involves a Magical Video Game Console (Trailer)
Ron Perillo / 8 years ago
The 2017 reboot of the beloved Robin Williams movie Jumanji now has a trailer. The new movie features Dewayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Jack Black and Kevin Hart. It takes place several years after the original, but now involves a magical video game instead of a board game.
A photo of the cast originally drew criticisms online due to Karen Gillan’s bare-midriff outfit. Since the new Jumanji involves video games, the main character costumes are explainable as self-aware archetypes. There is also the criticism of the new movie being a “needless reboot”, especially since it was announced shortly after Robin Williams died. This forced the producers to delay the release by a year.
As expected, the new Jumanji keeps the goofiness and adds a dash of action to the original. The trailer is set to the soundtrack of Guns and Roses’ “Welcome to the Jungle” as it gives an overview of the plot.
It involves a group of kids discovering a magical video game while in detention. They then get magically sucked into the game and embody the avatar of the adventurer archetypes available inside. This includes Dewayne Johnson as the muscle-bound bruiser and Karen Gillan as the femme-fatale Tomb Raider type. Jack Black plays the “curvy genius” professorial type, complete with a safari hat and bow tie. And Kevin Hart plays the comic relief zoologist character who manages to find himself in trouble with animals constantly.
It would not be a Jumanji without rampaging rhinos so the trailer is not without it of course.
Release Date
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle will hit theaters on December 22, 2017. Unlike the magical retro console that sucked the characters into the game, hopefully this movie does not suck.