Kickstarter coming to the UK
Ryan Martin / 12 years ago
KickStarter is a website which assists with raising funding for business and enterprise projects. Users of the website can pledge to contribute different amounts of money to a particular project in return for some kind of perk once the project gets up a running, normally the more that is donated, the better the perk. Now it appears the USA based website is going to be expanding its reach to the UK, allowing UK citizens to set up funding schemes for their projects too. In a tweet on the official KickStarter page, it was mentioned UK citizens would be able to start their own projects on KickStarter from this autumn.
KickStarter project funds are delivered by Amazon payments, so it was initially only available to those with an American post code and bank account. However, since Amazon payments expanded to cover the U.K in early 2011 this now makes it possible for KickStarter to operate in the U.K.
KickStarter has experienced phenomenal growth in the past year. Going from being the 10,000th biggest site in the world back in mid-late 2011 to the 750th biggest site in the world today. And if growth trends continue, and the site expands into more and more countries then KickStarter is sure to become even bigger and probably a household name.
KickStarter stated in its announcement (which you can find below) that information more will be announced soon so watch this space for more updates on the situation.