Killer Door Discovered in Call of Duty Warzone

Most of the time that I die in Call of Duty Warzone, it’s because either another player killed me or I misjudged the moment in which I should’ve pulled my parachute cord resulting in my shin bones being relocated in my brain. Following various reports on social media, however, players have discovered that in the newly tweaked Salt Mine map area, there is a door that, if you ever dare to approach it, will result in instant death! Well… Getting downed at least!

Call of Duty Warzone – The Door of Death!
Located in the basement of a building at the newly updated Salt Mine area of the Warzone map, players have found that if you attempt to even come close to the door, it will promptly shout “you shall not pass” and promptly slap you to the floor. Well ok, no it doesn’t shout anything at you, and no it doesn’t ‘slap’ you either, but if you are in a team game, it will instantly knock you to the ground requiring a pickup, or worse, in solo, it will result in instant death!
What’s Causing This Glitch?
At the time of writing, the short version is that nobody is entirely certain as to why this door is so deadly. One theory is that this is supposedly a prior ‘fast travel’ red door that was added to the game in the last update that was likely removed, but not coded back into a safe manner. In other words, it attempts to teleport you somewhere, but having nowhere to go, it just clips you into death. Another theory is that the collision detection on it is broken, meaning that as you approach it, it accidentally acts like you’ve just been squashed by a helicopter.
Put simply, though, should you encounter this door (albeit, we expect it to be fixed in the very near future), admire it from a distance as it’s possibly the most damaging thing in the game, but for the sake of your character and your chances of getting a win, do not go near it!
What do you think? Have you found this door in Warzone yet? – Let us know in the comments!