Kim Dotcom to Get All Megaupload Data Back
The Kim Dotcom Megaupload saga continues to grab headlines two years after the case started! Kim has stuck with his innocence plea ever since the beginning and through a series of police blunders and other events surrounding the initial investigation and raid, Kim will now be getting back everything that was taken.
Police have now ordered a release of all clone copies of computers and electronic devices that were taken in the 2012 raid. This even means that legitimate users who lost their data might actually be able to reclaim it in the near future, although the only timeline for the return of the data to Kim is “as soon as reasonably practicable.”
This is a big win for Kim, but it’s not over yet and with the case still ongoing he could still be extradited on piracy charges. No doubt you’ll be hearing about the adventures of Kim Dotcom again very soon.
Thank you Neowin for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of Neowin.
Legend in the making!!