Kim Dotcom Ordered To Remove “Mega” Logo Off His Lawn
In a classic case of “#firstworldproblems” Kim Dotcom, founder of the deceased Megaupload and the new Mega, has been requested to remove the Mega logo from the lawn of his personal property. On Twitter he told followers that:
“A neighbor complained about the huge #MEGA sign on my lawn. City council asked me to remove it :-(“
Apparently his nosy neighbours weren’t happy about his creativity and reported it to the city council where his mansion resides. His followers came up with many alternative solutions to getting around the problem such as by planting flowers in a pattern to form the word mega or “reverse mowing” a pattern into it by letting the grass around it grow longer.
If this is the most troublesome thing in Kim Dotcom’s life, then we can probably assume that Mega is going quite swimmingly right now!
Image courtesy of Kim Dotcom
Shame. Can’t people just leave the fat boy alone… I mean, c’mon, just look at the size of his miniscule, microscopic estate. It’s scandalous. I’d hate to live on something so small, I’d have to go into the street just to change my mind, nevermind my clothes. xP