Kim Dotcom Resigns From Mega Director Position To Focus On Other Things
Kim Dotcom has decided to step down from his position as the director of Mega to focus on other things. According to TorrentFreak Kim Dotcom is going to leave his Mega cloud storage company to be run by its current staff and he will instead focus on his new cloud music venture and the political party he is looking to form in New Zealand.
Kim Dotcom did set up Mega a while ago and has been actively involved with its day to day operations since then. However, he will now leave that down to his team of capable staff. Mega is Kim Dotcom’s Megaupload replacement since that was seized and shut down by the U.S government. Kim Dotcom’s new main focus will be his cloud music service which will now apparently not be called Megabox but instead something else totally void of the “Mega” branding.
Kim Dotcom’s cloud music service currently has 22 developers working on it and it will be interesting to see what Kim Dotcom’s team manages to come up with now that he can focus fully on guiding them.
Image courtesy of Kim Dotcom
What Dotcom really ought to start focusing on first is reducing his waistline.
he could stop storing 2 million $ in pocket money in his belt, that might work.
True. It’s hard to take him seriously.