Kim Dotcom Says Megaupload Host “LeaseWeb” Wiped All Data Without Permission
According to Kim Dotcom on Twitter his former host for Megaupload, LeaseWeb, erased all the Megaupload servers and all the data without contacting him, requesting permission or even a warning.
Kim Dotcom wrote that: “While EFF is fighting for the rights of Megaupload users in U.S. court, Leaseweb has taken it upon themselves to play judge & executioner”
Kim Dotcom reports that millions of important business and personal files have been lost forever due to the actions of Leaseweb. Kim Dotcom described it as “the largest data massacre in the history of the Internet caused by the U.S. government, the Department of Justice & Leaseweb”.
Dotcom went on to say that while most other hosting services choose secure locations such as warehouses to protect data from destruction, Leaseweb has gone and done the total opposite. Apparently the servers were wiped on February the 1st 2013 but Kim Dotcom was only informed recently of the decision.
This now means that any users with Megaupload files they needed will no longer be able to retrieve them and the EFF actions are in vain. There have been no mention of legal proceedings but you can be sure legal action will be taken by Dotcom if the framework is in place to allow him to do so.
What are your thoughts on this? Did you have any Megaupload files that you wanted back?
Image courtesy of Forbes
They have done a very good job I think. It is gone for good and there is no scope & point of bringing it back.
From what I’ve heard, Leaseweb have been storing some Megaupload files without compensation. Dotcom probably didn’t have the money to pay because of his enormous food bill. Leaseweb has a good enough reason to delete those files if you ask me.