King of the Hill on the Verge of an Official Return!

Despite the fact that it’s been over 10-years now since it was cancelled, I still freely admit to absolutely loving King of the Hill. Albeit, the fact that it was canned to make room for ‘The Cleveland Show’ still irks me more than a little. I mean, we all know how well that spin-off did (and if you don’t, it only lasted 4 seasons)!
Even since it was shut down, however, there has always been pressure from its fans for the show to make a return, and following a report via TechRader, it would appear that, against a lot of expectations, King of the Hill may actually be right on the verge of being raised from the dead!
King of the Hill to Return!
Speaking in an AMA on Reddit, former show writer and consulting producer Brent Forrester has dropped the colossally huge bombshell that Greg Daniels and Mike Judge (the creators of the show) are in hot negotiations (with an unknown party) to officially bring King of the Hill back!
“I am sure Greg Daniels and Mike Judge will murder me for sharing this but… HELL YES. They are in hot negotiations to bring back King of the Hill. The Trump administration made it suddenly very relevant again. The characters have all aged 15 years. The project is sooooo good. Okay I’ve said too much :)”
What Do We Think?
This isn’t, of course, the first time that such hopes have been built about the potential of the series coming back. And, given how prior efforts failed, we would suggest that you don’t get too excited about this just yet. Something in my gut though tells me that this might be something to do with Netflix. Albeit, I have absolutely no idea who currently owns the IP to the show so, with that in mind, perhaps Fox is still required to have some involvement!
With talks apparently well underway, however, I’ve got to admit, it’s going to be more than a little interesting to see what’s happened to Hank, Peggy, Bobby, et al. over the last 10 years. I mean, something tells me Dale Gribble is possibly very upset over Trump losing the election and has more than a few interesting theories as to why it happened!
In that regard though, with the timeline seemingly set to have carried on since the cancelation, the only question is, would it have been better to keep the characters at their original ages? (if the Simpsons did that, Bart would be 40 this year!).
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!