Kingdom Hearts 3 PC Release Being ‘Considered’
Kingdom Hearts is a strange franchise. The games combine classic Disney characters with some of the best elements of JRPG. It has, however, been a franchise in some neglect as it has been over 10 years since the last official installment (not including the remasters). With the production of Kingdom Hearts 3 being in development for such a long time, it’s hard to keep the excitement down. With a scheduled release for 2018, however, there might be an added bonus. Kingdom Hearts 3 is being considered for release on PC.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming to PC?
Before you get too excited, nothing is confirmed and before you accuse me of clickbaiting, read the title again. This isn’t confirmed for a PC release, it’s just a lot more likely than before.
So how do we know this? Well the Kingdom Hearts 3 director, Tetsuya Nomura, has said so. Speaking to DsoGaming, Nomura confirmed that the main objective of the title is for a PS4 and X-box one release, that being said he did want to clarify some recent comments he had made.
Speaking earlier in the year, Nomura was asked if there was going to be a Nintendo Switch version and his answer raised more questions than it answered. He therefore wanted to clarify the current position in regards to both the Switch and PC. “They misinterpreted the word ‘considering’ as to “it is possible to release” and it spread out. “Other hardware” is not limited to the Nintendo switch, and we will consider all of them after the release of the PS4 and Xbox one versions.”.
So it seems clear that if Kingdom Hearts 3 is a success that a PC release and maybe even a Switch version could be made.
Yes, but will they?
I see no reason why not. We’re seeing more and more games coming over to the PC. We only confirmed a few months ago how Monster Hunter was officially coming to PC. That announcement was met with a lot of positive comments. Studio Ghibli inspired Ni No Kuno 2 is also coming to PC. The PC is getting a lot of love usually reserved for consoles.
I fancy developer Square Enix, having a little more experience in the area than say 10 years ago, would feel confident enough that they could pull it off.
The PS2, the console in which this game series debuted, was one of the best-selling home consoles of all time. Consider that. Now consider that the original Kingdom Hearts was the 10th best-selling game for this console. The math makes for some tasty sales figures. The new trailer, revealing the Toy Story casts inclusion in the serious, after just 5 days, already has 3,500,000 views.
Just as a final side note. If you don’t know this series, don’t confuse the use of Disney as this being a kids game. The last Kingdom Hearts featured Sephiroth as a boss fight. We all know what a thoroughly unpleasant chap he is… was?