Kingston DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 G2 32GB USB Flash Drive Review

/ 13 years ago

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Final ThoughtsThe drive in terms of looks and overall style is a bit hit and miss, and that’s mainly down to it being a bit on the chunky size, though most consumers will see past this if the drive can be redeemed in other areas. The styling reminds me much of an Apple based product with a clean design and unique look. A nice feature that we haven’t seen on a lot of drives like this, is the ability to put the protective cap onto the end of the drive. Other drives generally don’t have this feature and the majority of the time results in the cap being lost.

Another nice feature is the blue activity LED which sits under the surface and omits a lovely neon blue glow along the end.

Now, there is only so much we can talk about in regards to the looks, so lets swiftly move on to the main reason you’re here; performance. With devices like this, we would generally see some big bold claims of amazingly fast read and write speeds that never live up to the marketing hype. Kingston have taken a slightly different approach by being more realistic by giving quoted figures that are accurate. As you can see from our results, in all tests we saw a slight improvement over the rated speeds and really does give you some peace of mind that Kingston have been honest and truthful with every aspect of this product.

Price wise, this drive in its 32GB capacity comes in at £55.42 at Scan and $83.53 at which our opinion for the capacity is quite fairly priced.

Couple these read and write speeds with a good capacity and we really think that Kingston are on to a winner as it offers up everything you could need with ample storage space and quick performance.


  • Large capacity
  • USB 3.0 functionality
  • Well known manufacturer
  • Stylish
  • Solid build quality
  • Fantastic value
  • Cap can be snapped onto the end
  • Bright blue activity LED


  • Quite large unit

Attached files

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