Latest Deus EX: Mankind Divided Patch Promises Improved DX12 Performance
The teams at EIDOS Montreal and NIXXES put out a mighty impressive game with Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. The game is a graphical powerhouse that’s a testament what PC gaming can achieve. Of course, it’s not perfect, especially when it comes to DX12 performance, which for many (including myself) results in the game crashing and suffering slower performance than DX11 mode, at least for most Nvidia users.
The latest patch looks set to improve loading times, stability and performance in DX12 mode, which is obviously great news. You’ll also find improvements to SSAO and a few bugs along the way.
The latest patch will auto-update via Steam and brings the game up to build 592.1.
The following gameplay changes are in this patch:
- Fixed regression that was introduced in last patch: Walking speed is now fixed properly.
- Fixed regression that was introduced in last patch: Talos Rucker no longer spawns twice.
- AMD intro video now has a lower volume.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on some interactive objects, such as computers or keypads, could cause Jensen to unholster his weapon.
- Fixed an issue where some users had to create a new Windows account to be able to start the game.
- Fixed a crash when loading a savegame.
- Fixed an issue where SSAO could introduce some graphical artifacts.
- Fixed an issue in Breach where the Booster Pack open button would not be shown, even though the user had Booster Packs to open.
- Fixed issues with the dialogue selection wheel.
The following DirectX 12 changes are in this patch:
- Improved stability and performance.
- Major improvement to loading times.