Latest RPCS3 Update Boasts Huge 10 FPS Performance Upgrade

If you’re a fan of emulating games on your PC, then you’ll have undoubtedly have come across RPCS3. For those of you unaware, it is (essentially) one of the best PS3 (PlayStation 3) emulators currently available and, while it has taken them a while to iron out a lot of the kinks, we have seen some remarkable progress from it over the last couple of years.
While still a long way from a final 1.0 release, however, the latest version boasts some pretty huge improvements. Not least amongst which, is seeing some games gain an addition 10 FPS in performance!
RPCS3 v0.0.9-9930 Alpha
Following some tweaks to (or, more specifically, a reworking of) the Vulkan render passes, the team behind RPCS3 has reported that many titles have seen significant performance boosts. Just how much though? Well, as you can see in the video below, many games are now running with an additional 10 FPS.
What Do We Think?
As we noted above, the progress made with the RPCS3 emulator over the last couple of years has been truly remarkable. This new update though represents yet another solid (and not insignificant) step in the right direction. Who knows, if this trend continues, one suspects that we might be (slowly but surely) heading towards our 1.0 release.
If you want to learn more about RPCS3 (or download it to try yourself) you can check out the official website via the link here! – Just remember though, the website only provides the emulator. Getting the game ROM files will be a matter for yourself and your conscience.
What do you think? Have you tried the latest version of RPCS3? If so, what have your results been like so far? – Let us know in the comments!