Lego Unveils its Biggest Kit Yet! – An 11,695 Piece World Map

I have to admit to having had a lot of love for Lego when I was younger. Then I got old, had kids, and realised that having something lying around with many small and easily disassembled parts probably wasn’t a good idea. Not for my overall sanity, at least.
However, if you have found your own personal solution to this problem and like a challenge, then boy is this it! – Following an update to the official Lego website, the brick building company has just confirmed the launch of what (I think) represents its single biggest commercially released kit yet! – A 11,695 piece set where you can basically assemble the entire world.

Lego World Map
Easily beating off its previously most substantial kit by around 1,500 pieces, the Lego World Map is exactly what you would expect. Representing a completed image that is nearly 4′ wide and 2′ tall, it will definitely require a lot of work. Oh, and just to make it even more time consuming if you wish, as we understand it, you have the availability to create the map in three different colour configurations!
Overall, I’d expect this to take even a master builder, oh, I don’t know… About 3 years to complete?

I Want It!
Set for release on June 1st, perhaps the most surprising aspect of this new kit is that, when compared to the usual standards set by these kits, this one is actually relatively affordable at just £229.99. Better still, and unlike most mammoth Lego kits, when finished, you actually have a solid piece of artwork you can hang on your wall (albeit, if I did that I think I’d want some super glue involved in the black laying process).
If you do, therefore, want to learn more about this, or perhaps look to get your order in place, you can check out the kit’s official website via the link here!
For me though, I think I’m still hoping that eventually launch that Nvidia GeForce 256 kit. I mean, it might be the only available graphics card I can actually afford at the moment!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!