Lian Li SP850 SFX Form Factor Power Supply Review
Although only officially rated as 80-Plus Gold in terms of its efficiency, our results indicated that the Lian Li SP850 actually performed on a level better associated with the higher Platinum tier. And this isn’t by a small margin either. While its mid-tier was a little borderline on the 94% required, its 100% and 20% load was both well in excess of 90% which is notably higher (and better just in case you were not getting the picture) than its official Gold sticker on the box!
So, while this might officially be 80-Plus Gold, the reality is that the Lian Li SP850 actually performs well beyond that remit and by a pretty huge margin too!

PFC (Power Factor Correction)
Similar to the efficiency scores, the PFC results in our testing were exceptionally impressive. Even the 20% load (which typically for most power supplies tends to drop to around the 0.85 area) was notably high. Overall, this again strongly indicates that the Lian Li SP850 isn’t just impressive for its stature. It’s packed a lot of quality components into its design!

Voltage Regulation
Regardless of the load output, the voltage regulation provided in our testing was excellent. As you can see in the total overall average, the scores were exceptionally solid providing incredibly low levels of deviancy. Admittedly, the -12V results were a little more excitable but this isn’t unusual nor indeed concerning given how this particular rail is less and less important in modern system designs.
With the key +12V rail offering a total deviancy of just around 0.2%, however, we again find ourselves incredibly impressed!