Linux is 24-Years-Old Today!
Today marks the 24th birthday of the Linux operating system, pioneered by Linus Torvalds and provided an open-source, community-based alternative to Microsoft Windows. Linux is Unix-powered and features customizable source code under the GNU General Public License. This means you can modify the source code for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Unlike Windows, Linux is released via distributions which contain varying UIs, and levels of complexity. For instance, Ubuntu was originally built on the Gnome interface and transferred to Unity. It’s suitable for basic users, as codecs and plugins can be easily installed without terminal knowledge.
In contrast to this, Gentoo Linux minimal is created by the user from scratch using a command-line. Of course, this is only recommended for highly experienced Linux users but shows how adaptable the operating system is. In the wider picture, Linux only accounts for an estimated 1.5% market share. Why? People have grown up using Windows for so many years, and the small minority who try something else, buy an Apple device. Things could change in the near future though as Valve pushes their own gaming-centric version of Linux. Its success will greatly depend on how well Windows 10 does and if consumers can accept Microsoft’s privacy policy.
I’ve dabbled with Linux in the past and believe it’s a fantastic operating system but lacks the core programs required for media work and games. Nevertheless, happy 24th birthday Mr. Tux!
Image courtesy of CentOS Blog
Thank you Softpedia for providing us with this information.
The first time I show a machine booting Linux was maybe in 1996-1998. I was still with an Atari STe back then. It was magic looking linux booting.
20 years latter the cake in the photo says it all. The user comes with the hope to see that cute Penguin. In the end he gets all that programming code in his face and starts running scared back to Windows.