Lisa Su is NOT Leaving AMD!

So, it seems the rumour mill missed a gear this week. Rumours have been floating around that AMD would see Lisa Su move to a new role. This obviously prompted the question, who will be her replacement? Well, there’s a lot to speculate on that subject I’m sure. However, it would seem that now is not the time for such things.
While the stories have been kicking around a few major sites, we kinda missed out on this rumour ourselves. What does matter though is that Lisa Su has responded on Twitter to these rumours!

We know how rumours work, sometimes you roll the dice and you score a big hit. Of course, there’s also the chance that its complete BS, but hey, that’s the world of journalism for ya. We’ve been on both sides of that dice roll before.
The good news is, Lisa Su is staying at AMD. This is obviously good news too, as Lisa has been making some great progress with AMD. They’ve had their 7nm GPU and CPU launch this year, next-gen consoles feature AMD, and they may even be moving further into the mobile sector next year.
Just for the record, zero truth to this rumor. I love @amd and the best is yet to come!
— Lisa Su (@LisaSu) August 6, 2019