Magic Leap Are Already After Military Funding
Magic Leap Are Already After Military Funding
After years of development, Magic Leap surprised everyone by finally launching the creator’s edition of their augmented reality headset last August. Although I don’t wish to sound mean about it, the headset had been in development for so long with so little information released that many were starting to question if it would ever release at all!
Well, it has, and it’s here (kind of).
Following the release of an amazing tech demo of Angry Birds last week though, things are Magic Leap One appears to have taken a less pleasant turn. In a report via Games Industry, the company is part of a contract war seeking to get funding for the use of the technology for military purposes.
Some Strong Competition
In fairness, I’m not going to solely demonist Magic Leap. Why? Well, the report also names Microsoft as an interested party for the AR contract. In addition, we already know that Google is already working with several military arms of the US government. As such, news like this isn’t (sadly) unusual. It is, however, a little sad to see Magic Leap going into for these sorts of deals so quickly after releasing their product to the public.
There Is A Logic…
Military contracts can be huge money spinners. By huge, we mean colossal. While I daresay that many of the team at Magic Leap won’t like this news, getting a military contract can ensure a companies sustainability for many years to come. We might not like it, but it is simply the direction the tech industry goes in at times!
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