Magic Leap One Creator Edition Goes On Sale!
Magic Leap One Creator Edition Goes On Sale!
Magic Leap is an alternative reality project that has been in the works for quite some time. It first came to our attention back in 2015 and since then, despite a few little videos and screenshots, the news has been exceptionally thin on the ground in regards to the project. It has ever led many to start whispering the horrifying words ‘vapourware’.
In a report via VRFocus though, the Magic Leap Creators Edition has finally gone on sale. Brace yourselves though, it’s a bit expensive.
A quick trip to the Magic Leap website confirms that the Creators Edition is indeed available for sale. Well, I use the term ‘sale’ loosely as it’s retailing for around $2,295. For that, you could buy around 5 Oculus Rifts and still have enough change for a few games. Although we haven’t tested it ourselves though, we have heard a few rumours of discontent already.
It Might Be Overhyped
A number of sources, that are a little unreliable to quote as legitimate, have started appearing online stating that while the Magic Eye has indeed been released, it’s rather a tepid affair. CNBC has said, after receiving a test model, that the system is very specific on the room lighting. Too much or too little creates big problems. In addition, they have also said that close range objects can be hard to see clearly.
We will, of course, wait and see what the public think, but for the moment, Magic Eye is out, we just don’t know what to think about it!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!