Mass Effect: Andromeda Details Leaked?
Two mods from the Mass Effect subreddit (‘Salsadips‘ and ‘KYCygni’) have been contacted by an anonymous source claiming to have played an early version of BioWare’s Mass Effect: Andromeda and supplied them with details of the in-development game. While none of the information, nor the integrity of the source itself, can be verified, the two mods say that they have been provided proof of the leaker’s integrity.
The pair compiled the information gleaned from their source into the following YouTube video:
Mass Effect subreddit user DealWithTheC-12 handily broke down the key points contained in the video for those unable to watch:
- 2 squad mates as before, a human blonde and a Krogan mentioned;
- All squad mates have jetpacks which come into play in exploration;
- Omnitool has more functionality, for example a combat shield;
- Greater detail in character facial features and models;
- Destructible covers (Yay Frostbite!);
- Completely different ship (I take it as a step away from the frigate sized ship that we saw in Normandy and towards a larger ship, perhaps the one seen here);
- Hints at Mako customization;
- ‘Pathfinder quarters’ section in the ship
- Main character is referred to as ‘the pathfinder’;
- Story revolves around finding a new home for humanity and other races;
- New ship travel system (Instead of the old galaxy map) where you manually fly the ship;
- Enemies (the main opposing force I assume) are bipedal cross between Vorcha and Collectors;
- The (non-human) enemies drop into combat from Cerberus ships (I would assume a placeholder, but if it’s not then it gets interesting)
- One of the antagonists is a human soldier with armor similar to yours but without N7 insignia.
Please no more Cerberus, I’ve gotten tired of fighting them.