How to Meet Aliens in GTA V’s Secret Mission
Peter Donnell / 7 years ago
GTA V’s Secret Mission
Are you ready to encounter the super secret alien mission in Grand Theft Auto V? This has been one of the toughest and best-guarded secrets in GTA V to date. The rumour of them being in the game has been around since release, as people scoured the games map both offline and online, trying to work out the various secrets. However, one team managed to hack their way in recently. Now they’re back with the legitimate solution on how to unlock them!
This is not going to be an easy task for some, but it’s not impossible either. You’ll need to complete a whopping 601 Gunrunning sales first. Then you’ll need to start a Supply Run between 21:00 and 23:00. By doing so, you should trigger a mission with the crashed saucer. Now for the tricky part; don’t die!
One Shot
The most important thing to mention here is that you can only do this once, then it’s gone forever. If you go through all the steps above, then die on the mission, you may never get to see them. No pressure then!
The team behind the reveal has released a video, it’s a bit long at 11 minutes, but worth a watch for anyone eager to give this trick a go.
What Chiliad Mystery Guru Team had to say
“We’ve been getting a ton of questions on WHY we forced the event, wasn’t this cheating and did we mod this? Here’s a quick and dirty answer. For more in-depth answers, or to help us test, join our discord! –Guru Kai ♥
The forced concept is this… In the code, there are natives that call the events, or missions. Sometimes, like the Chiliad UFO, certain conditions must be met before that native call is true and executes.
Normally these are easy to read, but we knew something was different with this one. Not only did we run into obfuscation, but the functions go in and out of themselves, like spaghetti. 😉
Tracing it both backwards and forwards led nowhere. We agreed this was our mission, but to be certain we needed to force our variable to be set to true and execute out of the loop. We figured it was used in a Supply Drop mission. So we forced our event to be true, trigger the mission and start a supply run.
We can then see it’s obvious the UFO event itself, is in the middle of it’s script, while the mission is at it’s beginning. (This causes some of the bugs you think you see, they aren’t bugs, they just aren’t executing properly.) This leads us to believe that whatever happened during the UFO’s crash script, happens on the way to setting 20 to true. That’s where we’re testing now.
Thanks to Guru WetNips and the whole Guru team.
Special thanks to Polivias for his global enforcer!”