Metro Exodus Retested – More Cards, More RT, More DLSS!
How Much Does It Cost?
The game is available now on the Epic Games Store for £49.99 for the standard edition, or £69.99 for the Gold Edition. Which one is right for you? Well, that’s only for you and your wallet to decide!
I love this game, I really do. I know people are pissed that it’s not on Steam, and well, I am too. However, it’s my job to play these games, test them, and more. So for that, I have to look past these issues and power through. That being said, it’s one of the finest looking games of this generation, but that’s the problem too.
I really wasn’t joking about that “can it run Crysis” analogy. This game is a monster that makes even the mighty RTX 2080 Ti
Next Gen
This game is runnable at 60 FPS on almost any modern GPU. You just have to dial things down a bit. However, when we’re testing this game in 6-months, or even 12-months. I think that’s when we’ll see proper performance figures to be proud of. However, that’ll be on GPUs that we haven’t even got rumours for yet. RTX 30xx, Navi from AMD? Who knows!