Microsoft Lets Windows 10 Home Defer Updates for 35 Days

With every new Windows update, Microsoft keeps tweaking Windows update. When Windows 10 first debuted, Microsoft switched to a software as a service model (SaaS). Due to the need to keep a consistent user base, updates are now pushed out frequently. Unfortunately, this means forcing updates onto users even when they want them. Over time, Redmond has become a bit more flexible in deferring these updates.
Starting with the new Windows 10 version 1903, Windows 10 Home version users will be able to defer updates for even longer. From 7 days, the deferral period is now up to 35 days or 5 weeks. This gives users who are nervous or worried about a new update a bit more breathing room. This delay should let any bugs get fixes in almost every case. Microsoft needs more than 7
Defferal Period Up From 7 Days
One of the major complaints with Microsoft is pushing out half-baked updates. While Pro users have some control and longer deferral periods, Home users have had no real options to defer updates. This has led to accusations of Microsoft making end users beta testers as broken updates such as the recent October 2018 release causing a whole variety of issues. This 35 day period would have avoided most of the bugs.
With the new change, those who want to be on the cutting edge can still get their updates when Microsoft sees fit. But for users who more critical systems, they can at least wait a month for bugs to be found and fixes patched in. Given that the default is no deferral at all, Microsoft will still