Microsoft Starts Refund Service for Xbox One and Windows 10 Games
Since the beginning of gaming, asking for a refund on a game that you didn’t like or the game itself was hard, it was almost unthinkable. Then the good people at Valve made an announcement saying that returns on Steam products were now implemented and that was a breakthrough indeed. But console users never had it that easy because getting a refund on a console game was just impossible. It could happen but it was too hard to even try.
Xbox users come to joy now though because as it has been read on Reddit the “Self Service” refunds feature was added in the Xbox Dashboard. What this means is that you can actually return a game within 14 days of purchase and if u haven’t played it for more than 2 hours.
Season passes and DLCs will, obviously, not be refunded and Microsoft also stated that not all Windows 10 apps will be eligible for a refund (maybe apps like Office 365 etc.). According to Microsoft, refunds can also be rejected if a user is suspected of abusing the system in a way to get some sort of free demos.
This all is great news and it was long overdue for something like this to happen for the console gamers.