Morgan Freeman is Now a GPS Navigation Voice
Actor, serial voiceover-er, and occasional God Morgan Freeman has joined such luminaries as Mr. T, John Cleese, Brian Blessed, and Kim Catrall by lending his voice to a GPS navigation system. Through Google’s Waze navigation app, you can enjoy Freeman’s warm resonance to help guide you to your destination.
The addition of Freeman’s voice to Google Waze is a promotional tie-in for new action movie London Has Fallen – sequel to 2013’s Olympus Has Fallen – starring Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, and Freeman as US Vice President Allan Trumbull.
“Yes, it’s true. Morgan Freeman, star of the upcoming film London Has Fallen, will now be directing you through traffic as Vice President Trumbull. Far and away one of the most requested voices by Wazers, U.S drivers will now be able to have Mr. Freeman as their new executive co-pilot,” the Google Waze blog announcement reads. “Ready to get meta? Use Morgan’s voice to guide you the theatre to see his new movie London Has Fallen. Vice President Trumbull has lots of work to do to save the world, and he’s only with us for a limited time. Download the app and voice for free at, then Settings > Sound > Voice Language > Morgan Freeman.”
Image courtesy of The Daily Beast.