Blizzard Call For Overwatch Mouse And Keyboard Ban On Console
In the latest battle between the gaming platforms, Blizzard have called for a mouse and keyboard ban in Overwatch on console. As far as shooters go, the go to play method is, and always has been, mouse and keyboard, but Blizzard say this is giving those who use them a distinct advantage, and steps should be taken to ban their use.
A controller is known for being slower and less precise than a mouse and keyboard, however, in Overwatch, accuracy for most characters seems a bit of a moot point, the hitboxes are so big, being accurate is hardly something most people find difficult. Take Hanzo for example, a character using a bow and arrow should require precision and timing, however, the real method is to usually shoot arrows anywhere you want and rack up those kills without the need to be skilled in the slightest.
That being said, do Blizzard have a point? As far as keyboard and mouse go in Overwatch, it could be argued that it does indeed create an unfair advantage at a competitive level. At the top end of gaming where money and sponsorships come into play, those fine margins in speed and accuracy do indeed take hold, but it needs to be asked if a total ban on the use of mouse and keyboard is worth it for the very few that ever play competitively.
Currently, the only way to connect a mouse and keyboard to a console, is to purchase an input conversion device, and they are a little pricey, it is this method that Blizard wish to ban, and have contacted first party manufacturers to plead their case.
Although they call for a ban, they do suggest another alternative, enable all users who wish to use a mouse and keyboard to be able to do so. They suggest the console should be made to support plug and play, meaning it would instantly level the playing field, and take consoles on another step towards becoming an actual PC.
Do you think Blizzard are right to call for a mouse and keyboard ban? Do you use a mouse and keyboard on your console?
So thumbless console gamers should just fuck right off then?