MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 14 now available
The popular and widely used GPU overclocking tool, MSI Afterbuner, has now reached the version 2.2.0 Beta 14 and is now available for download.
In this new version, the main updated features are:
- Fixed sub-zero temperatures reading on certain custom design MSI graphics cards with LM96163 and NCT7718W dedicated thermal sensors.
- Added workaround for bug in AMD drivers causing unofficial overclocking to be reset to defaults after adjusting PowerPlay settings. Now unofficial overclocking settings are being forcibly reapplied after applying new PowerPlay settings.
- Hardware abstraction layer (HAL) architecture has been improved to provide compatibility with future NVIDIA graphics cards series.
- Now multi-GPU overclocking and fan control settings synchronization is performed at HAL level instead of display driver wrapper level to improve HAL architecture extendibility and provide compatibility with future NVIDIA graphics cards series.
- Shared control memory format has been upgraded to v2.0. New format provides power limit adjustment support and forward compatibility with future NVIDIA graphics cards series.
- Now it is possible to override group names for values displayed in the On-Screen Display or in Logitech keyboard LCD display.
- MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to v4.3.3.
You can now download the latest version of MSI Afterburner, v2.2.0 Beta 14, here and get started on overclocking your graphics card.
Source: TweakTown