MSI GP70-2PE ‘Leopard’ Gaming Notebook Review
CPU Benchmarks
CINEBENCH is a real-world cross platform test suite that evaluates your computer’s performance capabilities. CINEBENCH is based on MAXON’s award-winning animation software CINEMA 4D, which is used extensively by studios and production houses worldwide for 3D content creation. MAXON software has been used in blockbuster movies such as Spider-Man, Star Wars, The Chronicles of Narnia and many more. CINEBENCH is the perfect tool to compare CPU and graphics performance across various systems and platforms (Windows and Mac OS X). And best of all: It’s completely free.
Systems Comparison
Hello , thank you very much for your explaning, very good and helpfull. My problem is that i can not open the upper case, i need that because i have to change the hinges. Somewhere about up in the middle he is stocked, and i can not find where. I hope you can help me with that. Thanks in advance. Kind regards. Henk.