MSI MEG Z690 GODLIKE Motherboard Review
Memory Performance

Memory read speeds fall below most other boards, and is practically at the bottom spot if we consider that the two worst spots are both DDR4 boards as opposed to the DDR5 that every other board is running.

The results in the write speed test are exactly the same position-wise from the Godlike and down, and again it is worth noting that the two lowest scorers are using DDR4 memory which puts them at a disadvantage over the other boards tested.

The results in the copy test are much the same as the two tests before it, with the only deviation being above the Godlike, so if nothing else at least the Godlike is consistent. Unfortunately for the Godlike, it’s consistent at being in the low end of our testing.

The Godlike was the highest scorer in this test, which is actually a negative point because you want latency to be as low as possible for the most responsive experience. The best performers in this test were actually the DDR4 that hit the bottom of every other AIDA64 test, so what we can easily gather here is that latency is still a strong point for DDR4 than DDR5 is yet to match.
Can’t wait to do something crazy with this board. Custom loop, the works.