MSI Press Event at CeBIT 2015
It’s not every day you see a motherboard bolted to an Ent, but that’s exactly what we saw at the MSI Press dinner, what an awesome way to show off their new energy efficient motherboard and it’s certainly something that catches the eye! White motherboards are no doubt the next big thing in the component market, so we’re really looking forward to seeing more of these.
While MSI has many of their latest and greatest products on show, the system mods certainly stole the show, at least to a certain extent. This snake head mod really shows off their new KRAIT motherboards, again playing on the black and white themes that are slowly appearing in the market.
After a short presentation, displaying their latest products, new technologies such as USB 3.1 support and TYPE-C support, Haswell-E and much more. Of course, we’ll bring you more in-depth coverage of these products shortly, but for now, check out this 5ft tall, absolutely stunning MSI dragon! We begged them for a free one for the office, but apparently they’re too expensive, perhaps MSI will give us one for competition? 😉