NASA Launch Mars 2020 Rover Construction Live Stream

NASA Live Stream Mars Cover Construction
Over the last year, NASA has made it pretty clear that after a near 10 year hiatus the company plans to start actively getting back into the space business. Part of this involves rocket launches and even potentially getting people back on the moon.
There is, however, still the small matter of the exploration of Mars. A factor that has likely taken a greater priority since the loss of the Opportunity rover earlier this year.
If this sort of thing is right up your alley, however, then NASA has revealed quite a treat for you. Following the launch of a live stream, you can see NASA scientists construct their latest rover design planned to hit Mars in 2020.
I Can’t See Any One!
Well, as this is a live stream of a construction process, you can’t expect to see people actively working all of the time. Being developed at their JPL facility, their technicians may be in another area or perhaps even at home.
“The clean room may be or appear to be empty when assembly activity has shifted to other JPL facilities or when work on 2020 moves out of view of the camera to other parts of the clean room,”
In addition, with the audio off, don’t expect to be able to ear-wig into some top-level NASA gossip either!

What’s The Plan?
When completed, the Rover will be launched at some point in mid-2020 (at the earliest). From there, it will take several months to arrive at Mars and even then, there’s the process of actually getting it safely on the surface. As such, although work has begun on constructing it, don’t expect to see it on Mars until at least 2021.
It is, however, fascinating to be able to see it as a ‘work in progress’. We can’t wait to see what they have planned next!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!