NASA Use AI To Create Interplanetary Lander
NASA Use AI To Create Interplanetary Lander
Artificial Intelligence will certainly play a major role in our future. Why? Well because it’s been proven on several occasions that it has the ability to maybe overcome some of the mental blocks we have to be truly innovative. For example, we regularly see AI tacking speedrunning games by simply finding exploits within the code.
The latest use of this technology is, however, something rather special. NASA has revealed a vehicle designed for interplanetary landing whose premise was based on the findings of an AI program.
Fascinating Design
As you can imagine with travelling between planets, weight is a significant factor. When you think about launching a rocket from Earth, the vast majority of the power needed is simply to get the craft up there (due to its weight). Of course, as anyone who has played Kerbal Space Program will know, simply adding more rockets generally just creates more problems and, of course, more bulk to carry.
The AI design though has found a unique design method. One which is significantly less than the vast majority of the current landers being used.
Will This Design Be Used?
It’s hard to say with any certainty. What can certainly be used, however, if not the design itself, is certainly some of the concepts. While NASA may not necessarily be launching people into space, they are very much in the business of exploration. As such, they are keenly going to want to explore any area of technology which can help them expand this further. If AI is providing good results, all the better.
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