NASA’s Auctioning Off Lunar Lander Joystick And More This Month
If you’ve got a spare £180,000 lying around and you’re dying to own a truly iconic piece of human history, then why not buy the joystick from the lunar lander? This actual joystick was used to steer the Apollo 15 Lunar Module Falcon in 1971 and will be made available in an online auction with a starting price of £5,900 on the 15th of May. Of course the stick is expected to fetch around £180,000 and personally I something this unique is worth far more, but I’ve only got $20 spare, so I’ll not be bidding.
This iconic joystick would certainly make for an awesome collectors piece, as will many of the other items going up in the same auction. Buzz Aldrins glove which he wore on the first lunar landing, a handed painted prayer made by British primary school children which was presented to an Apollo astronaut over 40 years ago, and the copy (obviously not the original) Declaration of Independence which was flown on the Apollo 11 mission to name but a few.
I’m interested to see how much all this will raise, although I’m not sure why it’s all going up for sale, maybe they’re just having a clear out of some old storage containers and fancy making a few extra bucks. Personally I think it’s all better suited to a museum than a private collector.
Thank you DailyMail for providing us with this information.
Images courtesy of DailyMail.
I fully agree with you there, rather donate the memorabilia to a museum for all to enjoy, not just a fortunate select extremely wealthy few but money is money and we all know how greedy man is.