Negan Joins Tekken 7 With Amazing Video
Negan Joins Tekken 7 With Amazing Video
At this point, I should try and do the whistle he used in The Walking Dead, but that’s a bit difficult to type out. So I would like to ask you to at least imagine that’s what I’m doing right now! Yes, love him or hate him, Negan is perhaps one of the best antagonists from TV in recent memory. If you haven’t watched The Walking Dead since he arrived, I won’t spoil it, but let’s just say he managed to single-handedly wipe out a couple of the shows most favourite characters.
We have known for quite some time that he was coming to the Tekken 7 roster and you can make of that what you will. I know for a fact that some people have bought that game simply on the strength of his inclusion. Well, he has now officially arrived and as you can see in the video below, Bandai Namco has spared little of the hype in producing a video.
Lucille Is Thirsty!
You can watch the video in full below and, as above, I think it’s fair to say that I have rarely seen so much effort go into the promo for a new DLC character added to a game. As I said earlier though, I know some people who have bought this game (and the season pass) simply because of his inclusions. You can make of that what you will!
Where Can I Get It?
The Negan DLC is available as part of the season pack. As far as I can ascertain, he is only currently available as part of the ‘Season 2’ pack, but he may very well become an individual unlock in the near future. Those who purchased the season pack probably just have early dibs on what will undoubtedly be a popular (if unusual) addition.
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!