New 4×4 km Tropical Map for PUBG Unveiled at GDC 2018
New Tropical Map Coming to PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds
GDC 2018 is not only for unveiling the latest hardware innovations, but also what’s up and coming in the gaming world. PUBG took the opportunity to announce a new tropical map at the event, in celebration of their anniversary. Further details are now available after PlayerUnknown himself Brendan Greene and CH Kim CEO of PUBG corp released a ‘Thank You’ video for the fans. It even contains some footage from this new upcoming map.
The latest map is much smaller than current PUBG maps. Erangel and Miramar are both 8×8 km, while this new tropical location is only 4×4 km. That is equivalent to a quarter of the previous maps. Despite the size difference, it promises to deliver a more intense and faster paced combat. It would also help reducing the match lengths as the player density is much higher.
When is This New Map Arriving?
There is no concrete launch date for the map yet. In fact, they are still working out a lot of the details for it since it features some buildings that have not been seen before. Although it is coming out “sometime this year”, the new map is launching on the Experimental Test server come April.