New Fractal Design Product Coming Soon!

/ 10 years ago


Fractal Design are playing a fun game with us all today. They’ve begun teasing a new product that is soon to hit the market, but they won’t tell us what it is! Of course, we here at eTeknix are in a great position to take a few educated guesses and there are already clues staring us right in the face. Just take a look at the banners on our site which Fractal Design launched today!

The new advertisements read “Silence Redefined November 24 2014”. Which doesn’t really reveal much, but we know the kind of products Fractal Design produce, as well as which products they’ve shown at trade shows this year.

We stopped by the Fractal Design suite at Computex earlier this year where they had their new Core series of chassis. Given the Core is their newer budget range, I don’t think that will be the answer, perhaps something from their high-end range of chassis such as the Define, Arc or Node series? A Silenced chassis would certainly be an obvious choice in my opinion.

They also revealed their new AIO water cooling units, such as the 360mm radiator. We all know that AIO water cooling can offer ultra quiet performance compared to many air coolers, so perhaps that is what we can expect?

We’ve reached out to Fractal Design to see if we can squeeze some more information from them. Either way, we’ve only got a few days wait until the big reveal.

What do you think it will be?

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