New Skyrim Mod Makes the Thieves Guild More Rewarding

Despite the fact that Skyrim is coming up to be 8-years old, the game has still maintained a remarkably strong hold on the gaming community. While the release of the ‘remaster’ a couple of years ago probably helped, without a doubt one of the single biggest factors has been the regular stream of mods provided by the community.
The latest, however, is certainly more than a little interesting as it looks to add a whole new scope to the Thieves Guild.

More Depth
While the quests offered by the Thieves Guild can take several hours to complete, there is a factor of quite significant note. Namely, that despite you working very hard to turn them into one of the most prominent guilds in Skyrim, they still live in rather… dank surroundings.
The mod created by SenterPat, however, looks to change that into a more realistic feeling. When you first arrive at the Guild, you’ll find things in a more than sorry condition. As you complete quests, however, you’ll slowly start to see the Guild hall change as the mod essentially makes it appear as if they are growing more affluent by making the surroundings more, well… flash.
The official description reads:
A reboot of my Thieves Guild Redone mod, using all the skills I’ve learned since creating that mod. This mod will improve the Guilds appearance as you progress through the storyline, and as your character commits acts of Thievery throughout Skyrim (this process is very slow, and not possible to upgrade completely before actually finishing the questline. Once completing the TG questline, there is now more to do involving the guild. I’ve included (with permissions) several popular mods from the Nexus, modified to my liking, as well borrowed ideas and concepts from other mod authors. The mod has grown larger then I set out, but I’m quite happy with the final product. There are a couple of kinks I am still working on, but nothing game breaking, just things not working as smoothly as I would like. So I’ve uploaded for testing and feedback.
Back To Skyrim!
Admittedly, with many people having already pumped hundreds of hours into the game, I must admit that I find the prospect of re-installing it again somewhat dangerous. I do, after all, have a huge list of games I either need to complete or catch-up on.
For the chance to go back to Skyrim once more though… it might be worth one more game! – You can learn more about the mod (and download it) via the link here!
What do you think? Are you still playing Skyrim? Which is your favourite mod so far? – Let us know in the comments!