Next Windows 10 for Phones Technical Preview Coming to More Handsets
Gabriel Roşu / 10 years ago
Microsoft has stated in a blog post that its Windows 10 for phones Technical Preview released last month was available for “very limited” devices. The decision was made due to the partition size, having the company select just a few devices that matched its requirements.
The upcoming Technical Preview for Windows 10 for phones is said to be available for more devices this time, having Microsoft coming up with a process by the name of “partition stitching”. The latter process is said to essentially resize the partition dynamically, a process that would allow previously unsupported handsets run the upcoming Technical Preview distribution.
The company states that it requires one more week of engineering before releasing the new build, but the device list looks to be promising this time. Microsoft appears to be releasing the new Technical Preview for the following devices:
Microsoft has also stated that the above list is not guaranteed, having the company remove devices that would encounter any sort of bug during the final tests.
Thank you Phonearena for providing us with this information