Nextivity Cel-Fi RS2 3G Coverage Booster Review
The box is a very simple affair and left us opening it up before we took a photo as we half expected a further box to be inside, though it wasn’t. The box is cardboard brown with some simple Cel-Fi and Nextivity branding on it. The Nextivity website address is also printed on the box if you want to find more information, such as the specs or features that we listed on the previous page.
Opening the box up to reveal what comes included, we find a quick start guide, and other installation information.
Also included are two sim-card looking cards which are for use if the units need reprogramming, but if buying the unit new, it already comes pre-programmed but it’s just worth keeping these in a safe place just in case.
On top of all of this, we also find two power adapters; one for each of the units, which we will look into more detail on the next page.
does this also boost your neighbors signals too?
Will boost anyone on that particular signal, this one was for work with Orange, but an O2 and T-Mobile version are both available too.
sure it will covers 10sq Foot
Is it any good??
Okay, but what about transmission back to the transmitting station? Assume this is involved as it would be pretty pointless to just receive. You don't mention Vodafone? Pity it is not weatherproofed to manage an outdoor connection