Nintendo 64, GameCube, & Wii Source Code has Been Stolen!

Are in the market for some kind of knock-off system featuring masses of games from Nintendo’s recent (ish) consoles? Then rejoice, because in a report via Screenrant, it has been found that the original source code for the Nintendo 64, GameCube and Wii console have all leaked and are reportedly available online!
Nintendo Source Code
Following a data breach at a third-party developer, the report confirms that the original source code (including a lot of the detailed hardware specifications) has leaked online for the Nintendo 64, GameCube, and Wii.
So, why is this serious? Surely those systems are all obsolete now right? Well, yes and no. With this information now reportedly within the public domain (not with Nintendo’s permission we should add), the chances seem more than a little likely that bootleggers (probably from China where they have ‘relaxed’ laws on such matters) will shortly start producing systems that effectively use the original software to emulate and will, by proxy, support official games!
In other words, systems that can come packed not only with game bundles, but also (probably) allowing for the support of actual official Nintendo games/cartridges/CDs etc.

What Do We Think?
While Nintendo wasn’t at fault for this breach, it’s the 2nd example (within the last month) of one of their third-party partners being a bit lackadaisical with their security. Despite none of these systems being ‘relevant’ anymore, Nintendo is going to be very angry about this leak. Specifically because it could undermine any efforts of their own to give these systems the ‘mini’ treatment seen with the NES and SNES.
On the plus side though, if you were tiring of waiting for Nintendo to release these systems (with the traditional ‘we’re low on stock’ rhetoric) the bootleg market seems more than likely to oblidge you within the next few months!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!