Nintendo Land to Open in 2020
You either love them or you hate them. No, I am not talking about Marmite sandwiches, but rather theme park rides. From the ones where you walk through and experience jumps and scares to the rides where your legs dangle as it throws you through twists and turns. However, even if you don’t like theme parks, but you do enjoy Nintendo, you may want to start planning a trip to Nintendo Land in 2020.
Universal Studios was granted the rights to use some of Nintendo’s many rights for theme parks a while ago, but aside from these hints, there was not much else to go by except rumours. It has now been confirmed that “Nintendo Land” will be “on par with the likes of Universal’s Harry Potter-themed zone but focus entirely on everyone’s favorite Italian plumber”. That is correct, you could soon see Mario, Peach, Luigi and Yoshi on a series of rides and experiences that will please adults and children alike. The location of this attraction is going to be a little bit of distance for some people, opening in Mario’s backyard of Tokyo. With its initial opening timeline set for 2020, you will get to experience the Olympics and Mario all in one fell swoop. If this seems like a gimmick then you might be wrong given that Universal have put up ¥40 billion (roughly £247 million pounds) to the venture.