Nintendo Pushes Switch Production to Over 2m Units a Month
Well, it’s better late than never I suppose
The Nintendo Switch has been a major success since it’s release earlier this year. There has been just one problem and it’s a problem that Nintendo, until now, does not seem to have been in a rush to fix. Put simply, every time Nintendo releases anything it doesn’t release enough of them to meet the demand. As such, actually physically getting your hands on a Nintendo Switch hasn’t been particularly easy.
If you don’t believe me, just look at the launch of the SNES classic. Suffering the exact same issues as the NES classic, there simply are not enough of them at the moment. This has also, in consequence, caused the growth of scalpers. A cursory glance at a UK based 2nd hand game retailer shows prices already at £140.00. This represents £60 more than the RRP.
Well, better late than never, but in a report via Gamespot, Nintendo is finally really starting to push the Switch production.
Nintendo Switch – An awesome console desperately undersupplied!
In a very short time, we’re going to see the launch of Mario Odyssey on the Nintendo Switch. Despite the Switch already having some awesome titles, this is destined to be the major flagship title of the Switch for 2017. Therefore, in a very short amount of time, demand for the Switch is going to surge again.
Nintendo has finally started pushing the Switch production to 2m units a month and hopefully, this will address any demand in the near future. Although, as the high street shops will be sure to remind us as soon as Halloween ends, Christmas is just around the corner.
In most instances, however, it seems that Nintendo prefers to blame the consumers rather than themselves for supply issues.
What do you think? Is this better late than never from Nintendo or do they just hate making money? Let us know in the comments!