Nintendo Switch Sells 1m Units in Japan to Outperform PS4
Mike Sanders / 7 years ago
You might not believe it, but in sales terms, the Nintendo Switch is outperforming the PS4. While this does not necessarily mean that the console is as good or going to beat the PS4 in the long run, it does indicate good times are ahead for Nintendo.
The Nintendo Switch is outselling the ps4?
The Nintendo Switch has successfully sold over 1m units in Japan in its first 17 weeks since release. The Sony Playstation 4 took nearly a year (49 weeks) to achieve this. Yes, there are some differing factors to consider here. The PS4 was considerably more costly and yes, the Switch has been released in the ‘mid-point’ of the generation, meaning it has no new competition, that however should not overshadow what are impressive sales figures. The figured from NextPowerUp clearly indicate that the company is on the up.
This, to me, indicates we might be heading into a 2nd golden age for Nintendo.
The Golden Ages of Nintendo!
Yes, I know, it sounds like a bit of hyperbole, but hear me out here!
- The Nintendo Switch is officially a success. The first Nintendo has had since the Wii.
- The games are also, selling well.
- The NES classic, although horrifically marketed, sold-out.
- The SNES classic, one of the hottest rumours of the last 6 months, has been confirmed.
- The 3DS continues to do well in both general sales and particularly game sales.
All of the above equals major profit. Something Nintendo have been desperate to get to for quite a while.
I consider the 1st age when the NES dominated the planet, the 2nd when the Super Nintendo came out. Yes, they had their competitors, but Nintendo with these releases created and then capitalised on their product dominance. I do not consider the Wii a golden age. While a success, it was, to me, more of a novelty than a games console.
So, things are looking good for our obese plumber and as far as I’m concerned, long may it continue. Nintendo might not attempt to reach the graphical or performance heights of Sony or Microsoft, but they do know how to release a good, fun product!