North Korea’s Internet Room Finally Gets an Internet Connection!
North Korea is renowned for many things, and few of them good. Such as the internet room at their airport which ironically had no internet, until now! As far as internet access is concerned, the citizens of North Korea only enjoy access to a special kind of intranet that mimics the real thing. As an exception, one of North Korea’s new airport terminals features an “internet room” that boasts access to the real world wide web. However, this room is most likely reserved to foreigners and to those who are legally allowed to leave the country, which means that the average North Korean still can’t enjoy access to things like Facebook and YouTube. An anonymous visitor to the new “internet room” had a few words to say about the overall experience:
“The North Korean guy (in charge of the room) was very friendly to us, he only asked for our passport. In the end, I gave mine. I suppose North Koreans who get permission to travel abroad would be ok to use it, but I am speculating.”
According to a technical advisor over at NK News, whoever chooses to use the room might be targeted by the local authorities for surveillance. In this case, is updating your Facebook page before visiting North Korea really worth it?
Thank you Gizmodo for providing us with this information.