Nvidia 2080 ‘Super’ FFXV Benchmarks Leak

Officially speaking, the Nvidia 2080 ‘Super’ isn’t set to release for a few more days yet. As such, there is still a lot of media NDAs in place to stop people from announcing news (specifically on its performance) early.
It seems, however, that somebody has accidentally(?) posted their Final Fantasy XV Benchmarks on the official website. As such, we have our first glimpse as to how good the final 20XX ‘Super‘ is going to be!

Nvidia 2080 ‘Super’
As can be seen in the image above, the results would suggest that in terms of performance, the Nvidia 2080 ‘Super’ will perform just slightly below the Titan V.
While this might sound impressive, the results also clearly show that in terms of ‘top dog’ status in the 20XX cards, the 2080 Ti has a clear (and significant) margin over it! – Does it appear to be worth buying though?

What Do We Think?
The gap between this and it’s ‘standard’ counterpart is significantly smaller than that seen between the 2070 and ‘Super’ models. We do, therefore, wonder if Nvidia may have been a little too relaxed in the performance boost the 2080 ‘Super’ offers.
These benchmarks clearly indicate that it is better. Is it significantly more though? Enough to warrant it as a cost-viable alternative to the standard 2080? Well, just remember to keep checking our website as we may (or may not) have a whole bunch of reviews on the way really soon!
What do you think? Are you planning on getting a Nvidia 2080 ‘Super’? What do you think about these benchmarks? – Let us know in the comments!