Nvidia GTX 950 – A Three Card Round-Up Review
A Closer Look – ASUS STRIX GTX 950 2GB
Packaging and Accessories
The outer box follows a similar design of the rest of the STRIX series, the STRIX owl dominating the front of the cover with the key “20% cooler” statement below it.
The back of the box is feature filled, outlining the key features. With the latest releases of graphics cards, ASUS has included a subscription to XSplit Gamecaster which is key if you want to live stream.
Inside the box is the essential reading material and driver disk. Along with those, you also get a STRIX case sticker.
A Closer Look
The face of the card is easily recognisable thanks to the distinctive STRIX cooling design. You can just see the two huge DCUII heat pipes sticking out of the top, increasing the overall height.
The back of the card is boring but also fantastic, as you get a look at how the manufacturing process has left no marks or tall solder joints.
Looking down onto the card, you get a better look at the two heat pipes that make direct contact with the GPU itself. Along with those is the single 6-pin PCIe connector and single SLI connector.
The outputs of the card are regular, however, they are placed oddly. Why place the two DVI ports in the middle? Along with the twin DVI ports are a single DisplayPort and HDMI ports.