Nvidia Reveal Next-Gen of Automotive Tech – DRIVE IX
Peter Donnell / 6 years ago
Nvidia has a strong history with its self-driving car tech. Sure, they don’t have a production car yet (more on that in a moment), but they’re pioneering the technologies for the industry as a whole. Before, they demonstrated a car driving 50 real miles on its own using PX Drive. Now with their updated Xavier hardware, Constellation virtual testing suit, and DGX powered deep-learning, things are moving on in a big way.
AP2X 9.0
The new autopilot system has seen some nice upgrades too. Now able to deal with a much wider range of driving scenarios. Most importantly, on-ramp to off-ramp automation, but much more beyond.
Real-Time Mapping
Much like how Google Maps have some mapping cars. Your car would literally map the roads. How you move, how the road changes. Imagine thousands of cars with this, helping tech every other car where to expect traffic lights, junctions, and much more.
It’s not always safe to test the cars on the road. Plus, you can’t test in snow in the middle of summon on your favourite road. However, with Constellation, you can simulate advanced driving scenarios, which are bit-accurate, allow you to push the limits of the driving brain virtually. For problem solving and advancement, this is a big deal.
The Future
Nvidia ended with the announcement that they’ll be doing an end to end production run with Toyota. This will no doubt mean full integration of these technologies and future technologies. Will we see the announcement for a road car soon? It certainly seems that way. We can’t wait!