AMD has launched its HD 7750 and HD 7770 cards. The overwhelming response has been ‘great card, not so great price’, as AMD attempts to capitalise and monopolise its 28nm advantage. Consequently Nvidia is looking to hit back by offering better performance at the same price point whilst using old 40nm technology, even though in theory AMD is already doing this to itself by offering the HD 6850/ HD 6870 cards at similar price points.
Nvidia will release the GTX 560 SE to confuse the naming strategy even more. We now have a GTX 560 Ti 448, GTX 560 Ti, GTX 560 and GTX 560 SE. The annoying thing for the well-informed is this confuses things unnecessarily since the GTX 560SE will simply be an OEM GTX 555 but renamed to give the appeal of being higher up the performance naming chain.
It will retail in the sub-$200 price point, probably around the £120 mark. Availability will be in the next few weeks.
Source: VR-Zone
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